At the library =)

These two following weeks will be very intense!! I realize that I have my exam of COMPARATIVE COMMERCIAL LAW OF EUROPEAN UNION in two weeks, and my thesis to write in wich I am still at page 1 and on Wednesday I have to do a power point presentation, concerning Maize prices in front of the  class.

By the way  Know I have the capabilities to do the required job, but anyway I'm a  little anxious!

I go back to my study...



Hi everyone!
Yesterday I was anxious about my thesis, because I was in front of this blank word page! Today I'm better, because I wrote a index, and I have a lot of informations and I like the subject, so it wan't be this difficult.
When i'm worried about something I always take a little notebook and write some positive affirmation to help the situation. It always works!!

For my thesis I think I'm gonna write something like that:

  • I like my thesis and I can write a lot of beautiful pages!
  • Is easy write my thesis
  • I can write it in the expected time and I can do it very good!!!
This take a while to work, but at the ends it always works!

Quality time with family!

Tomorrow  I will do a power point presentation with my university-mate, I have to wake up early so I need some good quality rest. I think I will relax myself with some Chopin Nocturnes in my bed!

Help others make u feel good!

Today I'm feeling good because I can help my university friends by giving them my exercice books of finance, economical georaphy and growth of globalization. In these exams I have taken very good marks and done a huge work by reassuming text books, so if my work can be helpful for them, this make me happier =).


I really liked this movie, is different from what you usually see at theatre. This is good but not that innovative, because in my opinion is a mix between Matrix, Strange Days and the book of Carlos Castaneda The teaching of Don Juan. Some points in the movies aren't clear enough but maybe I don't have understand perfectly those scenes, when the DVD will be released I will watch it again. The only thing that bothered me was that I coulden't watch it in IMAX..

What I liked really in this movie is that you need to ask yourself this question: what is really real? When you dream you are not aware that you are inconcious and the emotion that you feel, such as: pain, love, fear you believe that they are real.
The reality we are living is real? Maybe it is real because we believe it and this is enough to make it possible, but this reality we accepted for "real" is true? And if it is not, what we can do? what is reality?

I know that lot of people are not agree with me, but I believe that some situation are shared reality, and others are just a perception that our minds created. And all begin with an Idea, and an Idea can be changed, so when you change your Idea automatically you change the reality.

A simple example: I believe that write my thesis is difficult and boring and just thinking about it make me feel bad and nervous. I know that what I believe about write a thesis is an idea, my opinion on this field. So, if I change my Idea, like "I adore write my thesis" this change suddenly the reality.
Write a thesis change from being anxios to be a normal thing to do...

Ok I admit that this is not that easy like it seems, it became easy when you start with an assumption: I can change my Ideas, how many time in life we said: I don't like it, and then you start like the same thing... So with some tools you can change your mind and so the reality.

It takes a while, because is needed to change conviction that is really buried deep inside your mind, maybe
 in your subconscious.
This is my goal change my reality from: I hate my thesis to I can do a great thesis without being stress about.
I will try hard, and usually this work give me amazing results!

By the way I have done my frist step for my thesis: I have saved a word file with the name Thesis on in! LOL!!!


Thank you life for being so good to me! For all the things I have, for the important persons in my life, for becoming a better person every day, for make me understand how things really works in this universe. =) I'm so happy and I know that happines bring more happines. I'm not afraid to be happy no more, because I know that I can be a person full of joy and love =)

I had to start my graduation thesis a month ago... but it is alwayd difficult to start something...I have to stop procrastinate! Everytime that I think about write my thesis I get anxious and stop thinking about it.. Yes this is the worse thing to do: AVOID PROBLEMS.

BUT I have already a solution to this problem. It is called: "love you thesis and do something every day!" it seems stupid but it helps (I hope). So today no matter what I'll start to write my thesis, even only a page. The second step is Love your thesis... ok, I love the subjects but I don't know how to start, so I will learn more about this subject and write a little draft...

I really hope to keep positive and don't panic...

Today I will do my first step in to my future!

And I have to do a Power Point presentation for monday about Foward and Future contracts applied to Agricultural business with other two guys. And Finance and team work are not my strongest points.
Tomorrow I will meet the guys of the team and discuss and help eachothers. By the way this Professor is very easy and cool and it does not want a huge work... It is only 15 pages of exercices to divide in 3 persons.. so very few work!!

I'm gonna start my work now!

I don't write here since last November.. it is almost 1 year.
A lot of things happened in this months... Firstable I decided to write in English. I really need to improve my knowledge of this language and write in English will be a good exercice. I know that my English is not that good but I can get better in this field.

I thought about start a new blog, but then i realize that I'm an evolved version of my past self, so why start over again? Let's continue what I've done in the past. Past can not be change, only accepted and realese with love!

It is difficult to reassume an entire year in a post without being too long. So I will be short.

The main things happened in this year were:
1. I have done an Internship in Rome in an important international organization;
2. I started to play piano and guitar (this one only in june)
3. Found a tratment for cistitis with d-mannose.
4. I have met the perfect exercice for me: Running!

I think that these are the most important thing happened in my life. The internship of course, because of the possible work scenario, and play piano and guitar are important to me because I've understand that everithing is possible even if you are not that young to do that (by the way I'm 25 years old, and for me piano is easy to learn.)

I hope that these time I will be more constant upgrading my blog, because I'm tired to prend to be someone else or a better person, because I am what I am. This is it.
We all are in a pathway, or journey to be better person and to evolve ourselfs.. so this is not a competition.

So eventually I continue this blog with the same purpose I had last year, evolve my self!

è tutto un viaggio!

c'è chi viaggia senza sapere dove andare, chi viaggia pensando che la vita è un cammino di spine e chi come me si è ricreduto, capendo che la vita è qualcosa di più, prendendosi la responsabilità delle proprie azioni e avendo la voglia di cambiare in meglio la propria vita!

questo è un diario di una ragazza che tra altri e bassi cerca di trovare il vero e incondizionato amore per se stessa e la strada per la felicità...

vi terrò aggiornata con tutti i miei progressi e regressi della mia vita quotidiana, dimostrando che ce la si può fare e che abbiamo un immenso potenziale dentro di noi!!
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